Even After Death - Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037


Chapter 1037

“Liv, I’m just …”

“Don’t touch me. You’re disgusting.”

Under the moonlight, Olivia’s face was filled with tears. Like a sharp knife, the sight pierced Ethan’s heart.

He thought that Olivia had slightly enjoyed the moment just now. But

he could only see disgust on Olivia’s face.

Ethan’s hand was outstretched, intending to comfort her. But now, it

hung in the air as he stared at her.

“Ethan, what right do you have to think that you can come back after barging into my life and leaving without notice? What do you take me


“We were divorced a long time ago. Shall I explain to you what a divorce means? It means that the couple no longer has anything to do with each other. But what are you doing right now?”

Lowering his head, Ethan said in a small voice, “I admit to the

mistakes I made, but can’t you give me a chance to make it up to you and the children?”

“I don’t need it. We’re getting by just fine without you. Ethan, the best compensation you can give me is to stay far away from me.”

“Liv, do you truly hate me this much?”

“Yes. I hate you to the core. I hate you for putting me through so

much hardship, and I also hate you for conjuring up a wonderful dream for me and destroying it yourself.

“I hate you for turning me into who I am today.”

Ethan’s gaze turned dark. It was like a bright moon suddenly getting hidden behind dark clouds.

A long time later, Ethan spoke up, “I’m sorry.”

He stared at Olivia. “I lied to you once more. My vision has already recovered. I didn’t want to leave, so pretended to be blind. You must

hate me even more now.

“I genuinely don’t want to do anything that would warrant an apology to you, but I keep messing up. In the end, I still hurt you.

“You’re right, I’m a selfish and stubborn man. You must regret getting

to know me.”

He wanted to reach out and hug her again, but in the end, he decided

against it.

“All the misfortune happened because of me. I also deserve.

everything I’m going through right now. I’m the one at fault. I shouldn’t

have dreamed of getting you back by my side.”

Ethan slowly got up. “Liv, it has been three years. It’s only now that I

realize that I’m the one who still can’t let go.”

He looked at Olivia from a greater height, but his eyes were filled with


“Sorry for intruding.”

With that, he turned around and left without another look at Olivia. He wasn’t injured at all, but he looked defeated. It felt as if his body was covered in invisible wounds.

He looked like a lone wolf in the wild, which only had the moon as its


Olivia’s fingers trembled. She knew that she could grab hold of him if

she reached out her hand.

But her sense of reason stopped her. Why would she take hold of


She would only be repeating her mistakes and going through the

same sufferings she had gone through in the past.

They should have gone their separate ways from the start. Why would!

she turn back?

It was a decision she made, but her heart still ached. More tears

streamed down her cheeks.

Once back in the yard, Olivia cleaned the traces Ethan left. But every

part of her body was filled with marks left behind by his kisses.

She could even recall the warmth she felt when his lips touched her skin and how gentle he was.

Olivia held her head. Her heart was in a mess, and she didn’t know

what she should do.

Ethan’s actions had caught her off guard.

He had messed her up and also messed up her heart.

She didn’t know how she should face Ethan the next day.

Olivia couldn’t sleep all night, and her eyes remained wide open until dawn. She kept reflecting on what she said last night, wondering if she had gone overboard.

While she was still mulling over it, Cyril’s voice rang out from outside the door. “Mrs. Miller, Mr. Miller has left.”

